Convert Sejong POS-tagged corpus format to CoNLL-U format (useful for training Google SyntaxNet)
#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Convert Sejong POS-tagged corpus format to CoNLL-U format for use with Google SyntaxNet Outputs training, testing, and tuning sets (60-20-20 ratio, randomly chosen) Arguments: ./ <sejong_corpus_dir> <output_dir> sejong_corpus_dir should contain UTF-16 text files (BTAA0001.txt, etc...) output_dir will contain: - tagged-training-corpus.conllu - tagged-tuning-corpus.conllu - tagged-dev-corpus.conllu (evaluation set) ''' import os, sys if(len(sys.argv) < 3): print('Arguments: ./ <sejong_corpus_dir> <output_dir>') sys.exit(1) SEJONG_PATH = sys.argv[1] output_dir = sys.argv[2] from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join SEJONG_FILES = [join(SEJONG_PATH, f) for f in listdir(SEJONG_PATH) if isfile(join(SEJONG_PATH, f))] # Process in sensible order SEJONG_FILES.sort() if output_dir.endswith('/'): output_dir = output_dir[:-1] try: os.mkdir(output_dir) except FileExistsError: pass print('Processing corpus and outputting to %s...\n' % output_dir) class CoNLLSentence(object): def __init__(self): # 장식품/NNG + 으로/JKB + …/SE # [장식품, 으로, …] self.FORM = [] # ['NNG', 'JKB', 'SE'] self.XPOSTAG = [] def toString(self): assert(len(self.FORM) == len(self.XPOSTAG)) self.ID = [(i+1) for i in range(0, len(self.FORM))] self.LEMMA = self.FORM self.UPOSTAG = self.XPOSTAG self.FEATS = ['_' for i in range(0, len(self.FORM))] self.HEAD = ['_' for i in range(0, len(self.FORM))] self.DEPREL = ['_' for i in range(0, len(self.FORM))] s = [] for i in range(0, len(self.FORM)): s.append('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % (self.ID[i], self.FORM[i], self.LEMMA[i], self.UPOSTAG[i], self.XPOSTAG[i], self.FEATS[i], self.HEAD[i], self.DEPREL[i])) return '\n'.join(s) ''' Process a file and return a list of sentences ''' def processFile(path): # BTAE0201.txt has encoding error. be lenient. f = open(path, 'r', encoding='utf16', errors='ignore') contents = f.close() # Some of the files don't have <group>! # strings -f -el *.txt |grep "<group>" # For example, BTAZ0223.txt contents = contents.replace('<head>', '<p>') contents = contents.replace('</head>', '</p>') # Detected Sejong tagset tagset = set() # CoNLL sentences sentences = [] # There's even <p> before </teiHeader> paras = contents.split('</teiHeader>')[1].split('<p>')[1:] for p in paras: p = p.split('</p>')[0].strip() sentence = CoNLLSentence() try: lines = p.split('\n') #skipPara = False for ln in lines: if not ln: continue #BTAA0001-00000013 세계적인 세계/NNG + 적/XSN + 이/VCP + ᆫ/ETM cols = ln.split('\t') if ('<' in cols[0]): # Do we want to process dates? Not sure yet... print('Ignoring tag: ' + cols[0]) #skipPara = True break if len(cols) != 3: #print('Parsing error in %s! Column may contain tab or unexpected tag' % (path)) raise ValueError('Parsing error in %s! Column may contain tab or unexpected tag' % (path)) #print(cols) lineid = cols[0].strip() # Don't recommend stripping the other columns # Sometimes spaces are tagged, and apparently they could be anywhere # BTHO0432-00032162 주장자( 杖子)를 주장자/NNG + (/SS + /SW + 杖子/SH + )/SS + 를/JKO word = cols[1] # BTBA0233-00016517 2(남북한)+4(미 2/SN + (/SS + 남/NNP + 북한/NNP + )/SS + +/SW + 4/SN + (/SS + 미/NNP # Some data even contains +. What we really want is to split by ' + ' tags = cols[2].split(' + ') for tagelem in tags: slashes = tagelem.split('/') # sometimes component contains slash # only consider tag to be after last / # >>> slashes = '////////SP'.split('/') wordcomponent = '/'.join(slashes[0:len(slashes)-1]) tag = slashes[len(slashes)-1] if (not wordcomponent) or (not tag): #print('Parsing error in %s! Word or tag empty: %s' % (path, str(tags))) raise ValueError('Parsing error in %s! Word or tag empty: %s' % (path, str(tags))) #print(wordcomponent, tag) assert(not('\t' in wordcomponent)) assert(not('\n' in wordcomponent)) assert(not('\t' in tag)) assert(not('\n' in tag)) sentence.FORM.append(wordcomponent) sentence.XPOSTAG.append(tag) tagset.add(tag) #print(sentence.toString() + '\n') sentences.append(sentence) except Exception as e: print(e) print('Processing paragraph failed.') return (tagset, sentences) tagset = set() sentences = list() print('Found %d files to process.' % len(SEJONG_FILES)) m = 0 #SEJONG_FILES = ['../data/sejong_entire/BTHO0136.txt'] for f in SEJONG_FILES: m += 1 print('Processing %s (%0.2f%%)' % (f, 100.0 * float(m) / float(len(SEJONG_FILES)))) thisFileTagset, thisFileSentences = processFile(f) tagset = tagset.union(thisFileTagset) sentences += thisFileSentences # index of sentences within sentences list for each set training_set_indices = [] tuning_set_indices = [] testing_set_indices = [] # split to 60-20-20 (training, tuning, testing sets) for i in range(len(sentences)): if i % 10 == 0 or i % 10 == 1: # ~20% tuning_set_indices.append(i) elif i % 10 == 2 or i % 10 == 3: # ~20% testing_set_indices.append(i) else: # ~60% training_set_indices.append(i) print() print('Found %d sentences (%d-%d-%d).' % (len(sentences), len(training_set_indices), len(tuning_set_indices), len(testing_set_indices))) print('Complete tagset found: ' + str(tagset)) print() print('Writing %s/tagged-training-corpus.conllu (%d sentences)...' % (output_dir, len(training_set_indices))) fd = open('%s/tagged-training-corpus.conllu' % output_dir, 'w', encoding='utf-8') for i in range(len(training_set_indices)): idx = training_set_indices[i] fd.write(sentences[idx].toString() + '\n') # no extra newline after last element if(i < len(training_set_indices)-1): fd.write('\n') fd.close() print('Writing %s/tagged-tuning-corpus.conllu (%d sentences)...' % (output_dir, len(tuning_set_indices))) fd = open('%s/tagged-tuning-corpus.conllu' % output_dir, 'w', encoding='utf-8') for i in range(len(tuning_set_indices)): idx = tuning_set_indices[i] fd.write(sentences[idx].toString() + '\n') if(i < len(tuning_set_indices)-1): fd.write('\n') fd.close() print('Writing %s/tagged-dev-corpus.conllu (%d sentences)...' % (output_dir, len(testing_set_indices))) fd = open('%s/tagged-dev-corpus.conllu' % output_dir, 'w', encoding='utf-8') for i in range(len(testing_set_indices)): idx = testing_set_indices[i] fd.write(sentences[idx].toString() + '\n') if(i < len(testing_set_indices)-1): fd.write('\n') fd.close()